Young Leaders Fund

Paving the way for start-up nonprofits and the next generation of philanthropists.

  • Over $1.2 Million

    Dollars Granted

  • Over 260

    Organizations Impacted

The Latest

Young Leaders Fund (YLF) will be kicking off its 2024-2025 grant cycle in the fall of 2024. Please check back for updates then.

Stories of Impact

Photo: Morgan Olenski

A Young Donor Rooted in Place

Morgan Olenski grew up in a world that’s more connected than ever before. Yet, this young philanthropist is constantly asking herself what she can do to make life better in her own backyard. “Giving back to your community helps you feel grounded and engaged. That adds purpose to your day-to-day and your entire life,” she says.

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    Provide young professionals with an innovative way to make a difference.

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Explore Affinity Funds

Affinity funds are groups of donors united by a shared heritage, identity, or common interest. They offer an efficient way to support a specific group of people and the nonprofits that aid them by leveraging contributions through collective giving.