Disabilities Fund

Promoting the development of programs, policy, and public action that expands the empowerment, equal opportunity, inclusion, and participation of diverse persons with disabilities in the Chicago region.

  • $1.34 Million

    Dollars Raised

  • $689,000+

    Dollars Granted

  • 17

    Active Donors

  • 55+

    Organizations Impacted

A group of people gathered behind a podium with a sign reading ADA 25 Chicago as one women speaks into a microphone|A group of people gathered behind a podium with a sign reading ADA 25 Chicago as one women speaks into a microphone.

Seeking: Advisory Board Members

The Disabilities Fund is seeking nominations for Advisory Board Members!

The Chicago Community Trust’s Disabilities Fund (the Fund) is undergoing a transformation and renewal process. 

Consistent with the slogan, “nothing about us without us” — and in furtherance of the principles and goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act of equality of opportunity, full participation in decision making, independent living and economic stability as well as the 10 principles of disability justice — the Fund’s strategic and operational direction and grants decision-making will be led by activists representing different segments of the disability community in the metropolitan Chicago area. 

The Fund is seeking support of individuals and organizations in the Chicago area to identify and nominate candidates for membership in the Advisory Board. Self nominations are encouraged. 

Please see the Nomination Memo and Advisory Board Q&A for more details.

Nominations can be submitted via the form linked here through May 31, 2024. Please contact Christine Munteanu, Affinity Funds Manager, at cmunteanu@cct.org, with any questions.

Current Advisory Board Members

Adam Ballard
AARP (Interim Co-Chair)

About the Fund

The Disabilities Fund partners with and advises The Chicago Community Trust about disability inclusion and priorities for data-driven actionable solutions in the areas of employment, education, community inclusion and technology.

The Fund was established thanks to the generosity of Shawn Donnelley and the Naomi Williams Donnelley Fund.

Four people using wheelchairs sit together in a circle
Three people talk together.

Accelerate Disability Inclusion

Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the ADA, the Disabilities Fund launched Accelerate Disability Inclusion, a digital campaign to raise awareness for disability advocacy and issues.

Learn More
Two children play with building blocks at the Access Chicago Expo

Did You Know?

There are over 800,000 people with disabilities in the Chicago region. 41,000 are young people. Yet the education and employment systems are failing them, even though solutions exist. Learn more about the intersection of youth and disability, and get inspired to take action.


  • Give to Disabilities Fund

    Promote the development of programs, policy, and public action that expands the empowerment, equal opportunity, inclusion, and participation of diverse persons with disabilities in the Chicago region.

    Make A Gift
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    To stay up-to-date with the work of Disabilities Fund, please complete an interest form to receive future communications from Affinity Funds.

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Affinity funds are groups of donors united by a shared heritage, identity, or common interest. They offer an efficient way to support a specific group of people and the nonprofits that aid them by leveraging contributions through collective giving.