Asian Giving Circle

Using collective giving to build power and deepen impact in diverse Asian and Pacific Islander communities in the Chicago area since 2002.

  • $672,812

    Dollars Raised

  • $772,907

    Dollars Granted

  • 1,536

    Active Donors

  • 91

    Organizations Impacted

Guests applauding at the Asian Giving Circle reception|Guests in animated conversation|i2i’s Leakhena Yoeun talks with SAAPRI incoming executive director Reema Kapur.

History & Mission

Founded in 2002, the Asian Giving Circle (AGC) is a grassroots philanthropic project that supports Asian and Pacific Islander-led nonprofits in Chicagoland. AGC is composed of members (i.e. donors) that are committed to pooling financial resources and supporting organizations that are advancing social justice through organizing, culture work, and/or collective healing. AGC is dedicated to being responsive to the current issues facing API communities – a landscape of communities that is incredibly diverse, composed of more than 30 ethnic groups speaking hundreds of languages and dialects. 

Today, AGC has contributed more than $550,000 to nonprofit organizations serving Asian American residents in the Chicago region. AGC is one of the oldest giving circles for Asian and Pacific Islander communities and originally started as part of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) Giving Circle Network. 

We believe that we can build power and deepen impact when we give as a community for our communities. We believe that giving is an act that can transform ourselves and our communities to build the world we need now.

Six actors on stage in front of a yellow curtain|A smiling man holds cardboard signs reading #NeverAgain and #CircaPintig.

Asian Giving Circle

Founded in 2002, AGC supports nonprofit organizations addressing the challenges of the region’s Asian American communities. AGC is composed of members who are committed to pooling and directing their financial resources to organizations advancing social justice. To date, it has given more than $550,000 in grant funding to 70+ nonprofit partners.


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    Leverage impact on issues of common concern within Asian American communities.

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Explore Affinity Funds

Affinity funds are groups of donors united by a shared heritage, identity, or common interest. They offer an efficient way to support a specific group of people and the nonprofits that aid them by leveraging contributions through collective giving.